Monday, December 16, 2013

Just An Epiphany

Ok, so i was watch the Navy & Army football teams on television and it just had occured to me that is it just me or is this franchise team have the opportunity to draft individuals to become NFL stars, (ijs) throughtout my years of being an advocate for football i see alot of players that get drafted by colleges in our orgin. I would like to know does or do even one exists...

A Tribute to the Armed Forces

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Ending

The summer of 2013 is coming to a end,enjoying time with family ones is always rewarding though at times a parents job is never done but the responsibilites lies of how others are perceived. I got to enjoy some concerts even if it was for free, not so much of an price issue
but more of a family event im so glad it wasnt as humid as I thought it would be; I say, to an average weather prediction on the exact end. So, I put away my plus size bathing suit for now anyway to make room for clear skies with a chance of sunshine next summer, because its almost time to hit the books again, oh; I didnt forget about my accomplishments as well so school its a major factor, I started later in life but I never given up hope so should u...

Til next time,
 Enjoy ur summer